Luohan’s Exercise
from the book: Jin Jing Zhong. Authentic Shaolin
Heritage: Training Methods of 72 Arts of Shaolin. ISBN:
The Luohan’s exercise
is the inner Shaolin exercise designed to improve the
ability to see at night time. This is the purport of
this method. This kind of GONG FU belongs to the
Buddhist system of exercises designed to train the
keenness of vision. This kind of training is quite
difficult for an ordinary man, especially at the initial
stage, but it results in the ability to see in pitch
darkness. This exercise is designed, for example, for
those who enter the army to serve at remote frontiers,
perform noble deeds and stand on guard of justice. By
employment of this technique in pitch darkness you can
kill the enemy or mine a fortress under siege and carry
out a sabotage to eliminate some outstanding person, for
example a commander. Both eyes are to be trained, in
that case you acquire the ability to see the smallest
objects in pitch darkness. But for that, it is necessary
to be the full success in doing exercises...
successful acquirement of this kind of Shaolin GONG FU
that is also called "The Art of Night Vision" you will
see at night almost as well as at day time. "Swimming
Art" (QIU SHUI SHU) also includes some exercises for
eyes, but the these exercises are basic ones, as they
improve in addition the ability to see under water,
therefore one can not help but train this exercise. It
is reasonable that there is such a saying in the
province of Jiangsu: "If you perfectly acquired the
skill of ZAO ZI , you tower over the enemy in a combat
like a mountain peak". By ZAO ZI masters from the
province of Jiangsu allegorically meant an eyeball. Each
day, before taking meal, it is necessary to eat a small
amount of mutton liver boiled in water and improve
periodically with it the inside (the internal organs).