37. Skill of Eagle Wings
from the book: Jin Jing Zhong. Authentic Shaolin
Heritage: Training Methods of 72 Arts of Shaolin. ISBN:
Shaolin exercise
“Skill of Eagle Wings” is aimed at strengthening the
outer by exerting great efforts and nursing the force
YANG in the body. The technique allows to develop the
force of arms, strengthen elbows and joints, increase
the force of fist and palm blows. If you acquire the
technique, you will be able to beat off blows delivered
by enemies both from close and far distance, with blunt
and sharp, short and long weapons. If you wield the
skill of “Eagle Wings”, you will be able to repel any
attacks of enemies against you, whatever swiftly they
will act....
... Having
perfected in the Shaolin skill of “Eagle Wings”, the man
can use all possibilities of his body to push away enemy
to three ZHANGs . To acquire this skill is as simple as
to tear a sheet of paper. The efficiency of the method
is tremendous. You can beat off enemy’ spears with your
elbows, deliver blows of huge force at enemies, use
“deadly arm” (SHA SHOW) more effectively, and stop
(falling, rolling) stones. If you go on training this
Shaolin technique for a long time, your arms and elbows
will become stronger. Learning the technique is also
beneficial for your lungs.