Authentic Shaolin Heritage: Training Methods of 72 Arts of Shaolin

Jin Jing Zhong.

Authentic Shaolin Heritage: Training Methods of 72 Arts of Shaolin.

 (Tanjin, 1934).

Authentic Shaolin Heritage: Training Methods of 72 Arts of Shaolin

47. Palm of Iron Sand


Brief description*

*Excerpt from the book: Jin Jing Zhong. Authentic Shaolin Heritage: Training Methods of 72 Arts of Shaolin. ISBN: 978-1440474170


Shaolin skill “Palm of Iron Sand” (TIE SHA ZHANG) that can be also found under the name of “Hand of Black Sand” (HEI SHA SHOW) serves for strengthening of the external power of the body and rearing the force YANG in it. To acquire that skill, it is necessary to employ special methods and means. Besides, special attention should be paid to training QI, which will undoubtedly promote the development and the internal improvement of the body.


We shall speak at first about a secret recipe for hand training. It is necessary to take 5 JINs (2.5 kg) of strong spirit, 10 JINs (5 kg) REN ZHONG BANG (Febrifuge made of humane urine in Chinese traditional medicine), and 10 JINs (5 kg) of white vinegar, mix it up and cook it to the state of thick soup. Then cool it and cook again. Each cooking must be within the exact time needed for burning three aromatic sticks . After cooking for the fourth time the thickness of the mixture becomes suitable for use. Then small iron grains (iron chips) should be added to the substance obtained. When doing this, the mixture should be mashed with a wooden dolly. In the beginning the consistency of the mixture resembles mud. It is necessary to add iron chips into it gradually until the substance becomes like a thick medicine. The obtained substance should be put into a canvas bag and place the bag on a wooden bench or stool ...



...Shaolin skill “Palm of Iron Sand” possesses a huge power which is comparable with the power of fire-arm. But if you try to unite both forces into one, you can cause harm to yourself, as you have to respect individual and unique way of each force. That law is also true for the society. After understanding it in time and being convinced in huge curing ability of the ointment, you will not use the skill “Palm of Iron Sand” maliciously. You must always realize that you are able to break off the thread of human life. Indeed, with the “Poisonous Hand” you can cut the enemy’s head or cause serious body damages.



Authentic Shaolin Heritage: Training Methods of 72 Arts of Shaolin

Authentic Shaolin Heritage: Training Methods of 72 Arts of Shaolin


Main Secret of the Shaolin Training in the 

Authentic Shaolin Book (Show more...)

The book was written in 1934 with blessing and direct participation of the Abbot of the Shaolin Monastery Reverend Miao Xing nicknamed "Golden Arhat"

Jin Jing Zhong:

"We collected all we had seen and heard, we gathered ancient manuscripts given to us by our tutors to compile the present edition".

"72 Arts are perfect exercises. First of all, it is necessary to assimilate the hornbook of mastership. Apt moment, apt time, apt mystery... Strictly observe instructions, and you will be able to become as perfect as the Dragon"

/Shaolin Tutor Chun Jin/

More about 72 Shaolin Arts

 For the first time in English! 

Jin Jing Zhong

Authentic Shaolin Heritage: Training Methods of 72 Arts of Shaolin. 

(Tanjin, 1934) .

For the first time the book describes full training methods in all 72 Shaolin Arts. Being until recently for outsiders the most secret part of training of Shaolin monks, which made them invulnerable in fight, 72 Shaolin Arts at the present time become available to all who are ready to practice them persistently and with an open heart. Training methods described in the book allow to develop supernatural abilities, far beyond abilities of an ordinary man...

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"The Shaolin Martial Art has

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