6. Four-Part
from the book: Jin Jing Zhong. Authentic Shaolin
Heritage: Training Methods of 72 Arts of Shaolin. ISBN:
The Four-Part
exercise is a base one both in the soft and hard GONG FU
of 72 Kinds of the Shaolin Martial Art. It has much in
common with a known method of health improvement “Eight
Pieces of Brocade” worked out by marshal Yue Fei during
the rule of the dynasty of SUN. Before studying the very
combat technique (WU SHU) one should train the Rider’s
stance (MA BU) and Step (movement) technique. The
training stirs up interest in a man and he oftener
trains himself. Then, it will not be long before the
result appears. Those exercises do not need much space.
Although the method is simple, its meaning is deep. We
give full description of the Shaolin Four-Part exercise.
Successive and regular training leads to good health and
long life...
the Shaolin exercise “Four parts” is short, but it is
necessary to train it with a pure and quiet heart,
concentrate force and attention, breathing should be
freely. One must not “force” (control) breathing, one
must not “conceal” (hold) breathing either. If you
“force” (control) breathing excessively, breath and QI
deplete and holding breath undermines QI. It is
necessary to do a deep exhalation when tilting down.
When you support the sky with your arms, the fingers of
both hands should be interlocked, then QI will come to
finger tips. It is better, if you can raise your heel a
little (i.e. stand on tiptoe). When the palms touch the
floor, it is necessary to avoid excessive application of
force, otherwise the kidney may be injured. Don’t stop
halfway, don’t be afraid of making progress. All
movements should be done slowly with a certain force.
You do not achieve success in haste, don’t strive for a
quick result. In the course of training you will not
only improve your health and spirit but also lay a solid
base for further improvement in Shaolin GONG FU.