Exercise "Pushing a Mountain with Palm"
from the book: Jin Jing Zhong. Authentic Shaolin
Heritage: Training Methods of 72 Arts of Shaolin. ISBN:
Shaolin method
“Pushing a Mountain with Palm” belongs to “hard”
exercises for external strengthening, as to its kind it
the YANG and “hard” force. It is a special exercise for
the central part of a palm that trains the “ejection” of
the force FA JIN and at the same time trains “sudden
ejection” of the force CU JIN. Its efficiency lies in
combination of methods of “hardness” and “softness”. If
after successful acquisition of the exercise even a man
of great physical strength like a bull attacks you, you
can leave an imprint on his body with your palm, easily
knock him down so that he may be tossed to several
ZHANGs away only by pushing him with a hand. It is also
possible to overwhelm the enemy by “loaning” his
strength, direct an enemy’s attack to the void to
prevent body damages. Whatever happens, you must not
wound a man using the technique of the “Deadly Hand”. ...
... Continue
training as before and add one more stone, go on adding
stones up to the weight of 300 JINs (150 kg). At that
stage GONG FU reaches its aim. If you engage an enemy,
you will only slightly push him with the palm and he
will be tossed away to a few meters.
That technique
specializes in the use of the force JIN, therefore it
does not damage a human body. After extending your
mastery you can move a pile of several dozen stones
lying on the support. You push one of the stones and the
other stones are thrown away to several meters. Continue
training and firmly go toward the aim. Although, besides
training FA JIN, “ejection of force”, it is also
necessary to extend mastery in XU JIN, “accumulation of
force”. Only the exercise “ejection of force” will take
4 years of hard training at least. If you exercise
“accumulation of force”, it will take 10 more years.
It is necessary to
make a support for stone of hard wood, for example,
chestnut-tree. The support should be 1.5 - 3 CHIs (0.5 –
1 m) wide, up to 3 ZHANGs (10 m) long, the height may be
at the level of the waist. The shape of the support
resembles a table, but it is a little bit lower. If you
after successful acquirement of that exercise encounter
a lot of enemies, you will be able to solve this problem
simply. So-called “ejection of force” and “sudden
effort” are refined methods that can not be described
with a brush and Indian ink, sensation should be a guide
in training, successive acquirement of the skill is