Wonderful Method of Shaolin Monks
"To sit on a horseback and to raise a cauldron"
You attack your enemy, punch him with both hands and make him bend under your charge. Move your body, work with hands, thrust at an enemy's knee. You firmly step, your defense is insurmountable; you bump the enemy against your whole body. You face all the sides and
"enter the central gate"; thrust with your knees, strike at the face with your palm and deal with your elbow and hands, mislead the enemy with deceptive movements and
"reach the sea bottom". You squat, work with your legs and chase the running enemy. You make somersaults, go on advancing, step to the left and to the right in a lower stance. You
"cast a glance in the sky" and you are able to lift a thousand jins (a measure of weight equal to 600 g appr.) with a jerk. You dodge blows, take false steps, kick:
"the two hammers punch, the feet follow them".
Wonderful Method of Shaolin Monks
The method called "You hang your bow high on your back"
You press hard the enemy, punch him and then give a strong kick into the enemy's pudenda; on the left and on the right you use the method
"the swallow picks its food". Turn to the other side, make a step and put on a helmet. If you see that the enemy tries to strike at your body, hasten to forestall him and strike first. Make your shattering blows inside and outside, turn your whole body and kick around. Move and strike using the method
"the palm of the whirling horse". Clasp your hands and kick around.
"Raise your foot on a hill", deliver a blow, take a low stance and chase the enemy. Let your hands fly ahead to pave the way.
Wonderful Method of Shaolin Monks
The method called "To kick just as with a sharp saw"
You are kicking and circulating, both hands move above your head in a circles. You circulate, turn to the left and to the right. You are moving steadily and without interruption You step with your arms moving all the time, your blows
"punch holes in the iron door". You are making somersaults and are
"picking up eggs under cart wheels"; bravely meet any blows aimed at your face or probably at your back, then make a new turn and work with your shoulders. Both hands are thumping, you are
"chasing the moon on a cart". You make a step and come back to the initial position.
Wonderful Method of Shaolin Monks
Method called "You sit on a horseback with a big sword"
Strike with your hand, then protect yourself with your palm, make a step, raise your hand and strike at the stomach. After it you intercept an enemy's blow, make a turn and swiftly dash forward. With both hands coordinated you strike at an enemy's cheek. You are on your guard and ready to deliver a blow in order to make the enemy drop his weapon. You are making a false hand movement and a step at the same time: your hands are in coordination with your elbow, you kick at the enemy's waist. Your kick is a cutting knife, your art must be perfect. Then you execute the method called
"the hawk tumbles in the air" and fly forward. The movements of your arms and legs are coordinated and lead you to kick into the enemy's pudenda.
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